Saturday, March 26, 2011

Father-Son Campout

We went camping at China Camp state park.  It wasn't raining when we got there but then it started raining right after we got to sleep then pretty much the rest of the time, but it was really fun.

Here's our campsite:

Eric helping me with dinner. We had these angus beef hotdogs.  Gourmet.

Thank you Grandpa Pitcher for buying stuff at REI on my membership.  The rebate bought Eric this coat for his birthday!

The next morning:

I think he has a banana in his mouth in every picture.  He ate like four of them.

Playing in the mud right before we left:

I guess water fountains are hilarious.  This one was super-charged and would hit the wall.


Starlie and Nate Schmutz said...

eric is so dang cute, this is why boys are fun-so dads can take them everywhere, love the pictures- and i love the beach pictures above! you guys have NO idea how lucky you are to be somewhere so warm already! how fun!

Starlie and Nate Schmutz said...

i especially love the eric and joe beach picture-eric looks very proud to be standing by his dad, his expression looks like he thinks hes so cool!